Over the past year, NFL stars have been taking a knee during the national anthem before their games to protest racial inequality in this country. In doing so, they are blatantly disrespecting the American flag and all those who have fought and died for it.

Though we are usually incensed by NFL kneelers, an image is now going viral showing players taking a knee for a very different reason and this one has us applauding!

Faithwire reported that New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson posted a photo over the weekend showing members of his team taking a knee before a game in prayer. This is the right reason to take a knee!

“Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow #MeetUsAtThe50,” Watson wrote in the caption.

The photo has quickly gone viral with social media users applauding the players for kneeling in prayer, rather than during the anthem. Some grateful responses are below.

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“Now that’s when you take a knee!” one social media user wrote. “Imperfectly good righteous men leading by example: respect humility reverence and above all LOVE. Love beyond self for fellow man and God. May God bless these men for their faithfulness, their leadership and may their witness encourage others … .”

“More of this and less of protesting,” another person commented, with a third writing, “Now that’s the kind of kneeling we need.”

Watson has previously been open about his strong faith in God, and he has previously spoken out against abortion.

“We as men must stand up for the lives of the innocent and their mothers in crisis,” Watson told March For Life last year. “It is past time that we be the leaders, caretakers and providers that we were meant to be.”

If only more NFL players would take a knee in prayer instead of doing so during the national anthem!

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