Over the past few days, we’ve reported on many professional athletes who have opted to kneel during the national anthem before their game. Of course, it all started with Colin Kaepernick. And now, NFL legend Mike Ditka has finally had enough. He has a brutal message for any pro athletes who take a knee during the national anthem.

And Mike Ditka isn’t the only red-blooded American who feels this way.

Mike Ditka Slams Anthem Kneelers

While some praise Colin Kaepernick for starting the anthem kneeling trend – even going so far as to demand a job for the out-of-work quarterback – Ditka does not share their sentiment.

RELATED: Highest Paid Defender In NFL Says League Owes Colin Kaepernick A Job And An Apology

In a new interview with TMZ Sports, the Chicago Bears legend and NFL Hall of Famer said that he is against anyone taking a knee during the anthem.

He also said that as the chairman of the X League, a women’s tackle football organization, he would not be open to his players taking a knee in this way.

He said:

“If you can’t respect our national anthem, get the he– out of the country. That’s the way I feel. Of course, I’m old fashioned, so I’m only going to say what I feel.”

RELATED: San Francisco Giants Pitcher Refuses To Kneel During Anthem – Proclaims His Christian Faith

Earlier this year, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees was forced to beg for forgiveness after he initially said that he would not support anyone who took a knee during the national anthem.

Ditka, however, is not about to back down on this issue:

“You don’t protest against the flag and you don’t protest against this country who’s given you the opportunities to make a living playing a sport that you never thought would happen. So, I don’t want to hear all the crap.”

Here Comes The Backlash

Unfortunately, Ditka is already getting backlash about his comments from leftists who are “offended” by his patriotism.

NFL Commissioner Apologizes To Anthem Kneelers

The NFL has been catering to the radical left like crazy lately.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell even recently apologized for not doing more to help the players who have taken a knee during the national anthem in past years. 

“We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people,” said Goodell. “We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the National Football League, believe black lives matter. I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much needed change in this country.”

We really need less Colin Kaepernick’s and more Mike Ditka’s in the world right now.

READ NEXT: Hollywood Cheers As More Baseball Players Kneel For Anthem – ‘I Started Tearing Up!’

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