Joe Jackson, the father of Michael and Janet Jackson, passed away on Wednesday morning after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 89 years-old.

Daily Mail reported that a source close to the Jackson family said that the patriarch had been sick for months but had taken a turn for the worse in the last two weeks. Though he had been living apart from his wife Katherine for years due to his numerous affairs and allegations that he abused their children, she was at his side when he passed away in Los Angeles at 3:30am.

The final days of Jackson’s life were complicated for his family, as he had given instructions that none of them were to be allowed to see him on his deathbed. Family members spent days pleading to see him until they were finally let in on Tuesday night.

“No one knew what was going on – we shouldn’t have to beg, plead, and argue to see our own father, especially at a time like this,” his son Jermaine said before his death. “We have been hurting. We were not being told where he was and couldn’t get the full picture. Even from the doctor. My mother was worried sick.”

“He’s very very frail, he doesn’t have long. The family needs to be by his bedside – that’s our only intention in his final days,” Jermaine continued. “It’s what any family would want, but some people around him think they know better…and they don’t.”

Jackson guided his children to a huge amount of success as the Jackson 5 back in the 1960s after his own attempts at music stardom in the band The Falcons failed. Jackson himself took to Twitter on Sunday night to say what appeared to be a goodbye to his followers.

“I have seen more sunsets than I have left to see. The sun rises when the time comes and whether you like it or not the sun sets when the time comes,” Jackson tweeted.

Please keep the Jackson family in your thoughts and prayers!

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