Singers Melissa Etheridge and Jackson Browne will headline a gun control concert sponsored by States United, Stop Handgun Violence, and Faiths United to Prevent Gun Violence.

Etheridge And Browne To Headline Gun Control Concert

The concert is called “The Concert Across America to End Gun Violence,” and the flier for it states, “We’re a national network of organizations, activists, and artists in complete harmony over the need to keep guns out of dangerous hands.”

Joining Etheridge and Browne for the gig will be artists John Fogerty, Kevin Bacon/Michael Bacon (The Bacon Brothers), Bobby Rush, Anders Osborne, and Larkin Poe.

Fogerty made headlines last month when he fired back after President Donald Trump used Creedence Clearwater “Fortunate Son” during a campaign rally.

“It’s a song I could’ve written now, so I find it confusing, I would say, that the president has chosen to use my song for his political rallies, when in fact it seems like he is probably the ‘Fortunate Son,'” said Fogerty, who wrote the song in 1969, according to Billboard

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Gun Control Concerts Happen In Election Years

These gun control concerts happen more often during election years. The first “Concert Across America to End Gun Violence” took place on September 25, 2016 to coincide with the National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims. It consisted of 350 concerts all over the nation. Browne took part in this concert series, as did Eddie Vedder and Rosanne Cash, Rolling Stone reported.

“On Sunday we will drown out the hateful rhetoric that has become the hallmark of the gun debate with music, and create a positive national moment of collective remembrance, supported by action and a commitment to change,” Cash said before one of the concerts. “I believe our country is good enough and strong enough to eliminate senseless gun violence and prevent the destruction of one more family.”

The goal of this concert series was to honor victims of gun violence and to make gun control a key issue in that year’s election.

It appears that the upcoming gun control concert that will be headlined by Browne and Etheridge has the same goal. It will take place on October 7, less than a month before the presidential election.

This concert will be livestreamed from various venues on Facebook

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The Hypocrisy Of The Left On Guns

Liberal celebrities are constantly showing their hypocrisy when it comes to guns. Actors make millions from movies that glamorize gun violence and pay for armed security for themselves while also lecturing the rest of us about the “evils” of guns.

The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze. 

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