Sources have come forward to say Lori Loughlin and husband Mossimo Giannulli’s two daughters, 22 year-old Isabella and 21 year-old Olivia Jade, are struggling with the fact that both of their parents are in prison.
The former “Fuller House” star and her fashion designer husband are both currently behind bars in California for their respective roles in the college admissions scandal.
‘It’s Just A Nightmare’ For Lori Loughlin’s Daughters
It’s no surprise that Lori Loughlin’s daughters are distraught. They’ve gone from a privileged H0llywood life to being alone with both parents in prison as the holidays approach.
“It’s just a nightmare for them,” the source told People Magazine. “They were very upset when they said goodbye to Lori. But to have both of their parents now in prison at the same time is very upsetting.”
Loughlin began her two month prison sentence on October 30, while Giannulli started his five month sentence last week.
This came months after they finally pled guilty to charges related to them paying $500,000 in bribe money to have their two daughters admitted to the University of Southern California as members of the crew team, even though neither girl had ever rowed before.
Prosecutors felt that Giannulli deserved a tougher sentence because he was “the more active participant in the scheme,” while she “took a less active role, but was nonetheless fully complicit.”
Lori Loughlin’s Daughters ‘Are Beyond Worried’
Adding to the the girls worry is the massive COVID outbreak at FCI Dublin, where their mom is serving her sentence.
Read more: Lori Loughlin Gets Bad News: There’s A Massive COVID Outbreak At Her Prison
Talk about the worst time to be in prison. It’s the holidays and there’s a pandemic raging.
“They are beyond worried,” the source added of Lori Loughlin’s daughters Isabella and Olivia Jade. “They can’t wait to have their mom home in December, though. They try to focus on this.”
Though her daughters are worried about her, Loughlin is reportedly doing alright in prison after having a shaky start.
“She was a little weepy on her first night there, but she pulled herself together quickly. She hasn’t had any specific problems. No one is bullying her,” a legal source said.
“She’s using this time to focus on herself, but she’s also interested in hearing the stories of the other inmates,” the insider added. “She realizes she’s no better and no worse than any of them. Lori is resolved to finish her sentence with her head held high.”
Out By Christmas
Lori Loughlin had until November 19 to begin her sentence, but she decided to start it in October in the hopes of being out by Christmas.
The former Hallmark star also wanted to make sure her sentence was completed before the new year so that she can start 2021 with a clean slate.
Related: Lori Loughlin May Get Early Prison Release Because Of Christmas
This Hollywood couple spent over a year of American taxpayer’s time and money to fight these federal charges. Only to eventually own up to what they did and enter a guilty plea.
Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli’s daughters have good to reason to worry. But there’s also a good albeit tough lesson here.
Actions have consequences. And so maybe prison is exactly where their parents belong right now.