Yesterday, we reported that actress Lori Loughlin felt “manipulated” in the college bribery case that could put her behind bars for forty years. Now, sources are saying that both Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli do not like being called “cheaters” for what they have done.

Loughlin and Giannulli have been accused of paying $500,000 in bribe money to get each of their two daughters into the University of Southern California. The case has made headlines all over the country, with the masses slamming Loughlin and Giannulli for what they have done, and sources say that the couple is having a hard time dealing with the backlash.

“This is putting unspeakable stress on her and her family,” one source said, according to Fox News. “They’re having to play this all out publicly, and they’re fair game for jokes and memes, but also outraged [by] people who are saying that they are cheaters.”

“They’re being destroyed,” the insider continued.

We’ve got news for you, Lori: you are a cheater!

Whether or not she was “manipulated” by Rick Singer, the person behind the scam, Loughlin has to have known that she was cheating when she put up the money to have her daughters admitted to the school. She was knowingly paying for them to be admitted as members of the crew team when the two girls had never rowed in their lives, so at the very least, Loughlin knew that she was “cheating” in the most basic sense of the word.

Loughlin may be able to argue that she was ignorant to the fact that she was breaking the law in this case (although many won’t buy that either), but nobody is going to believe that she was not aware that she was cheating. If Loughlin has any hope of ever being forgiven by the public for what she did, she should at least own up to the fact that she knowingly cheated and apologize for it. If she can’t even do that, a lengthy prison sentence might just be the best thing for Lori Loughlin.

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