One of the most recognizable adult animated sitcoms is The Simpsons. When it initially aired in 1989, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson were introduced to viewers worldwide. The Simpsons holds the record for being the longest-running animated series, sitcom, and scripted primetime television program in the United States. Hundreds of characters have been introduced in The Simpsons’ 34 seasons and over 700 episodes.
A few of these characters appear in a single Simpsons episode. Some become so well-liked that they come back time and time again. Even if they don’t appear in every episode, the Simpsons characters that everyone remembers are the greatest. Certain Simpsons characters stand out more than others, whether it’s due to their eccentricities, amusing sayings, or memorable plots that became recurring themes in the program.
20. Abraham Simpson
The Simpsons’ amusing portrayal of the elder generation comes from Abraham Simpson, also known as Grampa Simpson. Usually, he’s babbling on about bygone eras or making up untrue tales. When Bart doesn’t accept Grampa Simpson’s account of his infantry team, the Flying Hellfish, this backfires.
Gramps Simpson’s rambling tales and episodes of dementia comprise the majority of his most memorable incidents. In other instances, they center on Grampa Simpson’s romantic relationships, such as his pursuit of Marge’s mother or his marriage to Selma, Marge’s sister. Gramps Simpson can also play a significant role in The Simpsons stories, despite the fact that the family mostly ignores him.
19. Dr. Nick Riviera
Even though he lacks medical expertise, Dr. Nick makes an effort to provide his patients with the finest care possible, sometimes leading to absurd outcomes. The Simpsons’ now-iconic “Hi, everybody!” is a mainstay. At some point, when everyone has seen the amusing Dr. Nick Riviera on screen, they have all responded, “Hi, Dr. Nick!”
Dr. Nick Riviera has participated in a number of significant Simpsons episodes. In particular, when Homer Simpson has triple bypass cardiac surgery, Dr. Nick performs the procedure. Fans can also relax knowing that, despite his apparent death in The Simpsons Movie, Dr. Nick was never truly eliminated from the show.
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18. Edna Krabappel
Because of her distinctive laugh, Edna Krabappel, Bart’s Springfield Elementary teacher, is one of the most recognizable characters on The Simpsons. Bart and Edna have a love-hate relationship in which they argue sometimes and get along well other times. In “Grade School Confidential,” Bart finds himself acting as an unhappy middleman in Edna and Seymour Skinner’s attempt to hide their affair.
After the tragic death of voice actress Marcia Wallace in Season 25, The Simpsons retired Edna Krabappel from the show. Nonetheless, Edna is still a cherished and unforgettable Simpsons character for a lot of viewers.
17. Milhouse Van Houten
Milhouse Van Houten is Bart’s sidekick and best friend, thus he participates in all of his jokes. He is utterly enamored with Lisa Simpson, Bart’s sister, despite the fact that she repeatedly declines Milhouse’s advances.
There are moments when Bart preys on Milhouse’s vulnerabilities and innocence. Milhouse can still stand up for himself or oppose his best friend, though. Milhouse is a crucial character in The Simpsons because without his companionship and willingness to participate in his antics, Bart wouldn’t be the same.
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16. Krusty The Clown
The Itchy & Scratchy Show cartoon and Krusty’s TV show are major plot points in a number of The Simpsons episodes. Although Krusty is humorous and Bart’s hero on TV, in real life he is a burned-out, cynical person who is the exact reverse of his TV character.
Many of the most memorable Simpsons episodes center on Krusty. Especially when Sideshow Bob, his TV helper, tries to frame Krusty for murder. Homer Simpson impersonates Krusty at “Clown College” in Season 6, Episode 15, “Homie the Clown,” which culminates with the two of them in front of the Springfield mafia.
15. Seymour Skinner
Seymour Skinner’s lone position at Springfield Elementary School was principal. But viewers discovered more about Seymour’s history and backstory in following seasons. His military experience plays a significant role in The Simpsons, especially in the contentious episode “The Principal and the Pauper.”
The antagonism between Skinner and Bart Simpson is well-known. Bart wouldn’t be the humorous and naughty character he is without someone to rebel against. It will be difficult to replace Seymour Skinner on The Simpsons, as viewers find amusement in his interactions with Edna Krabappel and his mother.
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14. Fat Tony
Don Marion The Simpsons’ third season included the debut of Anthony D’Amico, also known as Fat Tony. And Fat Tony has been a member of Springfield’s most illustrious citizens ever since. Paul Cicero, played by Paul Sorvino in the film Goodfellas, serves as an influence for Fat Tony.
The Simpsons were able to find a replacement for Fat Tony almost immediately after his death due to his immense popularity. After Fat Tony passes away from a heart attack in “Donnie Fatso,” Fit Tony, his cousin, assumes his role. Yet Fit Tony quickly becomes a carbon clone of Fat Tony as a result of stress eating brought on by the pressures of the criminal life. Both Fat Tonys are voiced by Joe Mantegna of Criminal Minds.
13. Chief Wiggum
Audiences have come to love Chief Clancy Wiggum’s portrayal of the endearing yet awkward Springfield police chief. Even though Wiggum isn’t the best at what he does, he usually manages to apprehend the offender. The Simpsons are made funnier and have some adorable moments thanks to Chief Wiggum.
Chief Wiggum is not just Homer’s close friend but also Ralph’s loving father. In “Mother Simpson,” Wiggum demonstrates his goodness and redeeming traits by even letting Homer’s mother Mona Simpson leave as a token of appreciation for treating his asthma.
12. Troy McClure
Despite his departure from The Simpsons after the tenth season, Troy McClure remains a hugely popular character. The famous slogan of Troy McClure is “Hello, I’m Troy McClure.” “You might recall me from…” has become an enduring fixture in popular culture. Additionally, he briefly became a member of the Simpson family through his marriage to Marge Simpson’s sister, Selma Bouvier.
On The Simpsons, Troy McClure had a significant impact. Even now, he is a cherished and well-liked character. The character was voiced by Phil Hartman until his untimely death. Troy McClure was thereafter retired from The Simpsons and only occasionally made an appearance in the background of episodes.
11. Waylon Smithers
Waylon Smithers is among the most recognizable Simpsons characters. Smithers is Mr. Burns’ devoted personal helper, and one of the show’s most well-liked recurring jokes revolves around their special bond. Many of the show’s most famous jokes and moments revolve around Mr. Smithers’ unwavering loyalty and unfulfilled love for Mr. Burns.
For the most of the show, Mr. Smithers’ sexual orientation remained unclear. The narrative revolves around Smithers’ implicit love and loyalty for his boss, which Homer discovers when he replaces Smithers as Mr. Burns’ assistant. Still, he came out as queer at last in Season 27, Episode 17, “The Burns Cage.”
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10. Maggie Simpson
Maggie Simpson has nothing to say. However, Maggie’s quiet is equally famous in and of itself. Maggie Simpson’s lack of speech is now a recurring joke in the show. So much so that several gags concentrate upon interrupting an older Maggie before she speaks in “Lisa’s Wedding,” when they glimpse the family’s future.
Maggie is indispensable to The Simpsons because of her many memorable moments. Mr. Burns was shot by Maggie. In addition, she was the owner of Bobo, Mr. Burn’s teddy bear. These plots demonstrate how important Maggie is to The Simpsons despite her young age.
9. Lionel Hutz
The unskilled Springfield attorney that viewers can’t help but cheer for is Lionel Hutz. Even if he might not win cases, Lionel Hutz’s stunning gaffes and amusing one-liners will always win over the audience when he appears on film.
Lionel Hutz had a voice thanks to SNL’s Phil Hartman until his untimely demise. In addition, Lionel Hutz left The Simpsons, with the exception of a few cameos in the background, just like Troy McClure did. However, despite not appearing in The Simpsons since season nine, Lionel Hutz is still a well-known and recognizable Springfieldian.
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8. Moe Szyslak
The proprietor of Moe’s, where Homer, Lenny, Carl, and Barney congregate and socialize, is Moe Szyslak. Additionally, Moe claims to be Homer Simpson’s life mate. Moe’s Tavern hosted several of the most famous Simpsons scenes, including Bart’s hilarious prank calls and Moe “flaming Homer” by stealing his drink.
Maggie and Moe Szyslak became very close after Moe saved Maggie’s life in “Moe Baby Blues,” an episode of Season 14, episode 22. Another recurring joke on The Simpsons is Moe’s not-so-secret obsession with Marge Simpson. Moe becomes an essential Simpsons character as a result of this, providing him with even more link to the family.
7. Sideshow Bob
Side event Bob, portrayed by Kelsey Grammer from Frasier, is a prominent antagonist on The Simpsons. Bob became Bart Simpson’s greatest adversary after Bart stopped Sideshow Bob’s plot to blame Krusty for armed robbery.
Plans to attempt to kill Bart Simpson are a recurring theme in many of Sideshow Bob’s most iconic appearances. Bob’s nefarious actions add a new level of suspense and danger to The Simpsons every time he appears on screen. Sideshow Bob is a memorable character due to his haughtiness, sophisticated demeanor, and passion for musical theater.
6. Ned Flanders
In The Simpsons, Ned Flanders plays a significant part. Ned is Homer’s neighbor and antagonist; the two have several well-known tales in common. In a particular episode, Homer unintentionally kills Ned’s wife. Homer and Ned married two waitresses in Las Vegas in a different episode.
Ned Flanders’ kind and devout side is also prominently featured in The Simpsons. Ned’s tolerance and good nature can be used by Homer. Even though Homer claims to despise Ned, he also admits that when he leaves, Springfield isn’t the same without him.
5. Marge Simpson
Sometimes people forget about Marge Simpson, the family matriarch. She still has a major part in The Simpsons, though. The animated sitcom gains heart and romance from Marge. The love tale of Marge and Homer offers some poignant and tender moments for viewers.
Marge also features in a number of recurring jokes, such as her incessant pestering or her addiction to gambling. However, Marge’s love and dedication for her kids are what people remember about her the most. In “Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily,” Marge demonstrates that the Simpson family’s unity is based on her relationship with her kids.
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4. Mr. Burns
Mr. Burns, Homer’s boss, contributes to making Homer’s life more difficult. Monty Burns is capable of evil, avarice, and selfishness. However, he has also had some vulnerable times, especially when he discovers he is unlikable or falls in love.
Mr. Burns is the oldest and richest man in Springfield, giving him special authority. He even discovered the Loch Ness Monster while attempting to shut off the sun. However, Mr. Burns’ bond with Mr. Smithers is what really sets him apart and makes him a beloved Simpsons character.
3. Lisa Simpson
Within the Simpson family, Lisa Simpson is the rational voice. She is the family’s defender, and many important Simpsons plots revolve around her values and strong convictions. Lisa differs from her family in that she practices Buddhism and is a vegetarian.
Lisa is talented, responsible, and literate, in contrast to Bart. Her musical talent—especially on the saxophone—is featured in numerous episodes. And although Lisa’s high level of intelligence occasionally causes her to feel depressed and hopeless, it also makes her special and irreplaceable.
2. Homer Simpson
The Simpson family is constantly in disarray and difficulty due to Homer’s antics. However, he’s also the precise type of character that makes The Simpsons unique and amusing. Homer has accomplished everything, from starting a prosperous snowplowing company to going to space or serving as the mayor’s bodyguard.
The father of the family is the reason the Simpsons are not the same. The image of the American working-class family man is embodied by Homer Simpson. Among Homer’s more relatable traits are his love of football, booze, and junk food. However, Homer’s affection for Marge gives the character a tender touch and helps viewers identify with and feel sympathy for Homer Simpson.
1. Bart Simpson
Before him lies Bart Simpson’s reputation for mischief and pranking. He doesn’t respect authority, which mostly makes him antagonistic to a number of characters, including Skinner and even Homer. However, Bart has also revealed a vulnerable side to the audience. After killing a mother bird in “Bart the Mother,” Bart feels horrible about it. The main theme of “Marge Be Not Proud” is Bart’s guilt at disappointing Marge.
Originally, Bart Simpson was the show’s main character. Furthermore, Bart continues to be one of the most recognizable and well-known Simpsons characters, despite the fact that the entire Simpson family is the focus of the show’s later seasons.
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