One of the most recognizable adult animated sitcoms is The Simpsons. When it initially aired in 1989, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson were introduced to viewers worldwide. The Simpsons holds the record for being the longest-running animated series, sitcom, and scripted primetime television program in the United States. Hundreds of characters have been introduced in The Simpsons’ 34 seasons and over 700 episodes.

A few of these characters appear in a single Simpsons episode. Some become so well-liked that they come back time and time again. Even if they don’t appear in every episode, the Simpsons characters that everyone remembers are the greatest. Certain Simpsons characters stand out more than others, whether it’s due to their eccentricities, amusing sayings, or memorable plots that became recurring themes in the program.

20. Abraham Simpson

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

19. Dr. Nick Riviera

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

18. Edna Krabappel

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

17. Milhouse Van Houten

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

16. Krusty The Clown

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

15. Seymour Skinner

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

14. Fat Tony

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

13. Chief Wiggum

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

12. Troy McClure

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

11. Waylon Smithers

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

10. Maggie Simpson

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

9. Lionel Hutz

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

8. Moe Szyslak

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

7. Sideshow Bob

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

6. Ned Flanders

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

5. Marge Simpson

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

4. Mr. Burns

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

3. Lisa Simpson

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

2. Homer Simpson

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox

1. Bart Simpson

simpsons characters
Credit: 20th Century Fox
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