Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings has once again proved what an awful person he is after he attacked a grieving mother who lost her disabled son. She was the target of his because she supports President Trump. Jennings is so infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome that he has to make everything political, including a woman’s tweet about a memory of her dead son.

Diane was happy to hear the show “ALF” might be rebooted. It was her son Timothy’s favorite show. He passed away at age 24 after falling down the stairs in a group home. She shared on Twitter how “ALF” was special to their family as it will always remind them of Timothy. This was not a tweet that should have invited an attack, but Ken Jennings is so vile that he can’t help himself.

The Trump hater screenshot Diane’s tweet to mock her because her bio states that she supports President Trump.

Jennings’ tweet led to his Trump hating followers to tweet disparaging comments about Diane’s departed disabled son and his love for his favorite TV show.

News about Jennings’ awful tweet quickly got back to Diane even though the nasty Trump hater hadn’t tagged her. She responded to Jennings and the haters by pointing out that she was not being political and would continue honoring her son even as they insulted them both.

Diane, who didn’t want to share her full name for privacy reasons, said Jennings’ tweet was very disturbing.

“Having just seen the tweet it just makes me feel violated,” Diane told KTTR. “I don’t understand why he would choose me as a Target. I don’t even know the man. But he doesn’t know anything about me other than the fact that Alf was a favorite character in my home for very sentimental reasons.”

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This grieving mother believes the leftist Jeopardy champion wouldn’t be so brave in person. Hiding behind a keyboard has enabled him and others with Trump Derangement Syndrome to become online bullies.

“They’re hateful people in this world, period, and social media gives them an opportunity to vent their hate,” Diane said. “A lot of people become very brave behind a keyboard. I’m willing to bet that if I was face-to-face with that man, he wouldn’t have the nerve to make a disparaging remark like that.”

Jennings has a history of attacking innocent people on Twitter. He has even gone after Barron Trump. Imagine how the media would have reacted if a “celebrity” spoke about the Obama daughters in this manner.

Ken Jennings might be good at Jeopardy, but he clearly lacks decorum and basic social skills.

Source: Daily Wire

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