Like many wealthy Hollywood elitists, Jane Fonda loves to preach against President Donald Trump like it’s her job, even though she has no idea what she’s talking about. On Wednesday night, Fonda went on yet another ridiculous anti-Trump rant when she appeared on the leftwing late night show “Jimmy Kimmel Live.” There, Fonda called for a wall, but not the one that Trump is trying to have built on the southern border.

“We need a wall. No, we do. We need a wall of every single citizen in the United States, a good wall that keeps the White House away from the Mueller investigation,” Fonda said, according to Fox News.

“And we have every single right to know what the results of that investigation is and if there’s some law that gives someone the right to edit the results, we have to change the law,” the actress continued, going on to add, “Could you imagine that they’re trying to keep us from knowing who the person is that’s running the country?”

Why Jane Fonda thinks that anyone should care about what she thinks politically is beyond me. As the daughter of Henry Fonda, she was born into Hollywood royalty and has been living in secluded Beverly Hills mansions her entire life. Despite the fact that this has left her completely out of touch with the plight of working-class Americans, she continues to preach about what she believes they should think politically.

Fonda and her fellow Hollywood elites are terrified of Trump because unlike former presidents like Barack Obama, this president did not take office with the goal of helping to fill the pockets of famous stars. Trump could not care less what the liberals of Hollywood think of him, as he is far too busy helping the Americans who need him. We’re glad that we finally have someone in office who is not catering to the whims of Hollywood nitwits!

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