IndyCar flagman Brad Hockaday was fired on Thursday after publicly criticizing NASCAR for banning the confederate flag on Facebook. It’s been quite a big week for NASCAR. In a matter of days, they banned the flag, debuted a Black Lives Matter car driven by Bubba Watson, and green lighted protests during the anthem.

IndyCar Flagman Fired For Criticizing NASCAR Confederate Flag Ban

NBC News reported that, in a Facebook post that has since been deleted, Brad Hockaday wrote, “Do these dips—- even understand what that flag stands for. I have lost all respect for NASCAR. I will no longer be supporting their sanction body.”

Not stopping there, the IndyCar Flagman also slammed NASCAR for changing its policy and allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

“Now is the time for short tracks around the country to pull their NASCAR sanctions for their recent actions towards America,” he said. “I would not want to be affiliated with a group that doesn’t respect what the American flag stands for.” 

Hockaday’s posts were in response to NASCAR’s announcements earlier this week that reversed its position on anthem protests and banned confederate flags at races

BACKSTORY: NASCAR Pulls Full 180 With Anthem Kneeling, BLM Car, And Confederate Flag Ban – One Driver Pulls Out

An IndyCar spokeswoman confirmed to reporters today that Hockaday was terminated from his seasonal, part-time position. His termination was reportedly for violating the social media policy of IndyCar.

Hockaday’s LinkedIn page states that he had been with IndyCar for three years. And that he was at the flag stand on Saturday at Texas Motor Speedway during the start of the delayed 2020 season.

NASCAR Bans Confederate Flag

This comes after NASCAR made the announcement that the confederate flag would be banned from all racing events going forward. 

“The presence of the confederate flag at NASCAR events runs contrary to our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors, and our industry,” NASCAR said in a statement.

NASCAR was swift in its decision to enact the ban after Richard Petty Motorsports driver No. 43 Bubba Wallace said he wanted confederate flags gone.

BACKSTORY: Bubba Wallace Demands NASCAR Ban Confederate Flags From Races: ‘Get Them Out Of Here’

Wallace is notably one of the most winning African American drivers in NASCAR history.

LeBron James Mocks NASCAR Driver Against Flag Ban

This also comes after NBA legend LeBron James spoke out to mock NASCAR driver Ray Ciccarelli, who announced he would be leaving racing due to the latest policy changes regarding the confederate flag and the anthem. 

“I don’t believe in kneeling during Anthem nor taken ppl right to fly what ever flag they love,” he wrote on Facebook after the announcement. “I could care less about the Confederate Flag, but there are ppl that do and it doesn’t make them a racist all you are doing is (expletive) one group to cater to another and i ain’t spend the money we are to participate in any political BS!! So everything is for SALE!!”

Then NBA superstar James fired back on his Instagram story by putting the face of a clown over Ciccarrelli’s face in a photo.

“Bye Bye!! I can probably say they won’t miss you!” James captioned the image. 

Ciccarrelli later told that his statement was “misconstrued.”

“I don’t regret my feelings of believing in the national anthem and standing. I don’t like the fact that I was misconstrued about defending the Confederate flag. Because in no way shape or form was I defending the Confederate flag,” Ciccarrelli said. 

“I wasn’t raised the way people are portraying me to be. That’s just not me,” he added. “I am not that type of person. Just the attack — my wife, my family have been attacked and abused on social media. It’s just heartbreaking.”

Land Of The Free?

IndyCar’s Brad Hockaday isn’t the first person to lose his job as the Black Lives Matter movement sweeps America. And he certainly won’t be the last.

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Of course others, like Colin Kaepernick, are benefiting directly from the movement. The controversial quarterback might just find himself on the field soon thanks to mounting pressure on the NFL.

It’s a scary time when you can lose your job in the land of free simply for posting your opinion on social media.

I guess in 2020 America free speech only applies to the Left. 

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