Hollywood actress Emma Thompson just let her leftwing nutcase flag fly for all the world to see in the form of a bizarre climate rant. The Love Actually star took it upon herself to warn the public that people will one day eat their own pets for “protein”. And why would someone do that? Well, “climate change” of course.

Emma Thompson Issues Climate Change Warning

Fox News reported that while attending the Extinction Rebellion protest outside of the BBC Broadcasting House in London on Thursday, the 60 year-old Academy Award winner claimed that there is “extreme weather” ahead.

Thompson added that people will be forced to deal with an “increased chance of warmer, wetter winters and hotter, drier summers, along with an increase of frequency and intensity of extremes.”

While reading from a script, the 60 year-old actress advised people everywhere to prepare for what the “gloomy” future holds.

“Better wrap up warm, stockpile food and remember there is a surprising amount of protein in the average household pet,” Thompson said.


Thompson Claims Flood Warnings Will Be ‘Almost Everywhere’

The Saving Mr. Banks star also warned that there will be flood warnings “almost everywhere,”

“Expect crop failures, water contamination, damaged houses and ruined lives, and we will see these persistent weather fronts continue to wreak havoc across the nation, albeit with one or two days of dry and settled weather,” Thompson said.

Like many liberals in Hollywood, Thompson loves lecturing the public about climate change and what we can do to prevent it. Earlier this year, she was exposed as a massive hypocrite when she flew thousands of miles to attend an event to protest climate change.

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Thompson Defends Her Climate Impact

“I may well be hypocritical by flying but I’m conscious of flying so I fly much less, but sometimes I have to when I’m working. But I’ll continue to find ways to get to places without flying,” she said at the time.

“We have seriously failed them (the younger generation) and our planet is in serious trouble, we have much, much less time than we thought,” Thompson added. “I have seen the evidence for myself and I really care about my children and grandchildren enough to want to be here today to stand with the next generation.”

Ah, the hypocrisy of liberals!

It’s astounding that Hollywood liberals like Thompson are so full of themselves that they think they have the right to lecture the rest of us about how we live our lives. What on Earth makes Thompson think any of us would care what she has to say about any political cause, especially climate change?

Thompson should give up on the political lectures and stick to what she knows how to do, which is play pretend for a living. Nobody cares what she thinks about anything else.

And, of course, this isn’t the first time the Hollywood elite meddle in climate affairs. Remember this? Farmer Sprays Hollywood Actress Emma Thompson With THIS After She Protests on His Land

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