Don Rickles was not afraid to call things out as he saw them. Pleasantries were a rarity during Mr. Warmth’s performance. He was there for shock and awe. In a 1980 episode of “The Tonight Show”, Rickles tore into everyone. He made fun of everyone, Don Rickles even targeted members of the Royal Family right in front of them.

Back when late night television was worth staying up to watch, everyone seemed to watch “The Tonight Show”. Johnny Carson had the A-list guests we all wanted to watch and political correctness and left-wing celebrity lectures didn’t dominate the airwaves.

It was worth sacrificing a little sleep because you knew you would have some much needed laughs, especially when Don Rickles was a guest. 

Don Rickles And President Reagan

Shortly after the 1980 presidential elections, Mr. Warmth appeared on show. Of course, he had to tell some jokes at the expense of then President Elect Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

This was nothing new for Rickles as he had been roasting Reagan for years – and like everyone else at the time, Reagan could laugh at himself. They knew there was no higher honor than to be insulted by Don Rickles. 

Mr. Warmth was one of the most savage comedians but in real life, he was a kind man.

BACKSTORY: Ronald Reagan Couldn’t Stop Laughing When Don Rickles Roasted Him

Don Rickles’ Encounter With The Royal Family

The most interesting part of this 1980 episode, was when Rickles discussed performing in front of Princess Margaret.

Don Rickles wasn’t sure how the Brits would react to his brutal comedy that focused on the Royal Family. It could have been cringeworthy because at the time the Royals were pretty untouchable.

But, Princess Margaret loved it so much that she wanted to meet Rickles after the show. 

RELATED: No One Was Safe When Don Rickles Appeared On ‘The Tonight Show’

Margaret enjoying not being taken so seriously. She wanted to be a part of the fun, after all and when she met with Rickles and his wife, she even told some jokes at her sister, the Queen’s, expense.

Mr. Warmth enjoyed their conversation so much that afterwards he told his wife, “This broad’s rich!”

This clip is classic Don Rickles and Johnny Carson.

Ed McMahon’s big, hearty laugh is even peppered throughout the show. When Rickles was a guest on the show, it was definitely Must See TV.

Watch the video below if you miss the good old days when television was fun!

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