Guns N’ Roses singer Axl Rose blasted the Trump campaign over the weekend, calling them “s—bags” for using the legendary hard rock band’s music during political rallies.
This is very disappointing considering how many people are Guns n’ Roses fans. Unfortunately, their lead singer is not and was quite the jerk about it.
Rose took to Twitter, where he said the band, “like a lot of artists opposed to the unauthorized use of their music at political events” have demanded that Guns n’ Roses music not be used “at Trump rallies or Trump associated events.” Rose claims that despite their formal request, Trump “is using loopholes in the various venues’ blanket performance licenses.” Rose says his music is being played without the band’s permission.
And it wasn’t just a tweet or two.
Just so ya know… GNR like a lot of artists opposed to the unauthorized use of their music at political events has formally requested r music not b used at Trump rallies or Trump associated events.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
Unfortunately the Trump campaign is using loopholes in the various venues’ blanket performance licenses which were not intended for such craven political purposes, without the songwriters’ consent.
Can u say “shitbags?!”💩
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
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Rose continued to bash Trump and his supporters, saying he “kinda liked the irony of Trump supporters listening to a bunch of anti-Trump music at his rallies.”
Personally I kinda liked the irony of Trump supporters listening to a bunch of anti Trump music at his rallies but I don’t imagine a lot of ‘em really get that or care.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
And when ur phone’s blowin’ up cuz peeps r seein’/hearin’ Sweet Child on the news at a rally… as a band we felt we should clarify r position. Peace!🇺🇸
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
Then the GnR frontman went further with the insults. Rose said his “personal position is that the Trump administration along w/the majority of Republicans in Congress n’ their donors that support him 4 their own agendas r doing r nation a disservice.”
As far as I’m concerned anyone can enjoy GNR 4 whatever reason n’ there’s truth 2 the saying “u can’t choose your fans” n’ we’re good w/that.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
Having said that my personal position is that the Trump administration along w/the majority of Republicans in Congress n’ their donors that support him 4 their own agendas r doing r nation a disservice.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
Rose continued still further, saying Trump “will say n’ do anything w/no regard for truth, ethics, morals or empathy of any kind, who says what’s real is fake n’ what’s fake is real.”
We have an individual in the WH that will say n’ do anything w/no regard for truth, ethics, morals or empathy of any kind, who says what’s real is fake n’ what’s fake is real.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
Who will stop at nothing 4 power feeding off the anger n’ resentment he sows 24/7 while constantly whining how whatever doesn’t go his way is unfair.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
The social media barrage didn’t stop. “Most of us in America have never experienced anything this obscene at this level in r lifetimes n’ if we as a country don’t wake up n’ put an end 2 this nonsense now it’s something we definitely will all pay hard 4 as time goes on,” Rose tweeted.
Who will stop at nothing 4 power feeding off the anger n’ resentment he sows 24/7 while constantly whining how whatever doesn’t go his way is unfair.
— Axl Rose (@axlrose) November 4, 2018
Rose isn’t the first artist to tangle with Trump over music played at his rallies. Just last week, Pharrell sent a cease and desist letter to the White House over the president’s use of the hit song “Happy.”
“On the day of the mass murder of 11 human beings at the hands of a deranged ‘nationalist,’ you played his song ‘Happy’ to a crowd at a political event in Indiana,” Williams’ lawyer wrote. “There was nothing ‘happy’ about the tragedy inflicted upon our country on Saturday and no permission was granted for your use of this song for this purpose.”
Do these artists ever stop and think that perhaps the president and other politicians simply like their music – or maybe didn’t even choose it themselves – and aren’t trying to send any particular message by using it?
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