“Litte People, Big World” fans are very aware that Amy and Matt Roloff are divorced. Despite that fact, they still come together for family functions. Afterall, they have four children together and will always be a family.

Jacob’s 21st birthday was one of those occasions that brought the Roloff family together. Matt and Amy’s youngest son has reached a milestone birthday. This deserved a celebration, but it also invited rabble-rousers to meddle and stir the pot.

Amy posted some Instagram pictures from the birthday celebration. All of her kids and grandchildren were there, plus an extra family. Molly and her husband were even there. Many people couldn’t handle seeing this picture without nitpicking the fact that Matt wasn’t there. Some media outlets even reported that Matt wasn’t invited.

The simple fact was that Matt was out of town. Matt fired back at what he called fake news. He also reported the family is actually closer than ever and that there is big news on the horizon.

“Just got caught up on my roloff family fake news… lol. Fake news is alive and well.. how sad. The roloff family just keeps hanging closer and closer together despite these broken misleading headlines … matt, amy, Jer , zach Audrey, Tori, molly, Joel, Jacob, Izzy, Chris and caryn, (sic)” the Little People, Big World patriarch wrote on his Facebook page. “All working together to surprise you all at how an American family can function together despite a few minor differences. Wait for it…… a few short months.”

When Matt returned home, the family did have a celebration. Amy and Matt joined their children at a celebratory dinner out to toast Jacob’s 21st birthday. Molly was not there, which makes it easy to conclude that Amy had the dinner together when Molly was able to come. Jacob just won by having two parties.

It’s disgusting how people want to read negatively into everything the Roloffs and other television families do. Often, there is a simple explanation for things. People are trying to tear this family apart. I’m glad Matt stood up for them all.

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Source: Inquisitr

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