“Alaskan Bush People” finally returned with a new season. There is much to catch up on since the last season and viewers tuned in in droves to learn what the Brown family has been up to. They returned in epic fashion with high ratings that even smashed “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” Americans are more interested in the Browns than the Kardashians!
The season premiere caught viewers up with two important issues; the family’s relocation to Washington state and Ami’s health.
The Browns left Alaska because of Ami’s battle with lung cancer. Living in the bush of Alaska didn’t give them access to the treatment the family matriarch needs, so they relocated to the lower 48. After toying with the idea of moving to Colorado, the Browns spent considerable amounts of time in California where Ami was being treated. However, they were not cut out for urban life and it showed.
Ultimately, they decided to plant their roots on a 400-acre property in Washington. The Browns are enjoying the gorgeous scenery as they set up their homestead. They are living in tents until permanent housing is built. This family won’t complain about such lodging accommodations as they love living off the land.
Washington does have its differences from Alaska. The Browns now have to be careful of snakes and it is considerably warmer in Washington. But, they are very happy to be back in the wild.
A trailer for the season premiere can be seen below.
Billy reports that Ami’s lung cancer is in remission. This is something many never expected as stage 4 lung cancer comes with some very grim statistics.
“She still has stage 0 primary, and there are still traces,” Billy reports. “They took the majority out, and the growth is really slow. She is doing good, but the docs made it clear that we have to live in a place where she can go to the hospital at any time.”
Ami is grateful not only for her health but to be back in nature. She feels better than she has in years, but is still working on regaining her strength
“To be out of the city and in the mountains is a blessing in itself and being given second chance is great,” Ami said on the season premiere.
Another interesting new challenge the Browns are facing are the big cats living around them. While many people would be alarmed about this fact, the Browns are very excited.
“We’ve got mountain lions here! How cool is that?!” Bill said. “It feels like home again because we have to watch our backs.”
Bear is also pretty pumped about living among these predator felines. He went out exploring to find out what animals lived in the area. As you can see in the video below, he was not disappointed to find the claw marks of a cougar! The Browns are right where they need to be!
Source: The Hollywood Gossip
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