Yesterday, Abby Huntsman shocked fans of the ABC talk show “The View” when she announced that she would be leaving the program at the end of the week after two seasons on the show. Now, reports are coming in suggesting that Huntsman decided to leave the show due the “toxic work environment” allegedly created by her fellow conservative cohost, Meghan McCain.
Abby Huntsman Leaves ‘The View’
“This is always such a hard thing to do,” Huntsman said at the opening of Monday’s show, according to CNN. “And especially this table because this is a really special table. The most iconic show I think on television and the smartest women that I’ve ever worked with. But today I’m saying goodbye.”
“Today, I’m saying goodbye.”@HuntsmanAbby announces she is leaving @TheView to help run her father’s campaign for governor of Utah: “It’s not often in life that you get these moments to go fight for something that you are so passionate about.”
— The View (@TheView) January 14, 2020
Huntsman said that she was leaving the show because she wanted to join the gubernatorial race of her father, Jon Huntsman. The former Utah governor announced two months ago that he wanted to run for the position again this year.
However, sources who work on “The View” say that Huntsman’s decision to leave is really because of backstage tensions with McCain.
Tensions Between McCain And Huntsman Boil Over
Conflict allegedly arose between McCain and Huntsman due to the latter’s habit of constantly talking about her own children enthusiastically. McCain, who wrote an Op Ed for the New York Times about her miscarriage last summer and is open about her fertility challenges, reportedly felt that was insensitive of Huntsman to do around her.
McCain recently confronted Huntsman on this issue after she brought up her kids up yet again on the show. Allegedly, the pair’s intense “baby fight” spread like wildfire around the set.
“Abby was sick of being berated by Meghan for perceived slights,” one source said. “She ultimately decided she didn’t need this job and it wasn’t worth it.”
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While other sources say the pair have since made up, it appears the damage was already done. Given Abby Huntsman now feels she can no longer continue on “The View.”
Last week, Huntsman complained about what she described as the overall toxic work environment on “The View” during a meeting with Barbara Fedida, senior vice president of talent at ABC News, related to her leaving. Three sources said that this was not the first time Huntsman complained about the toxicity.
McCain Feels Isolated On ‘The View’
Sources claim that McCain has felt isolated on “The View” for months, and even considered leaving the show herself last summer.
“Meghan has been miserable there for quite some time, and not because of Abby,” one source said. “She wishes her nothing but the best.”
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McCain is in the difficult position of being the one strong conservative voice on “The View’s” panel. Which results in her being shouted down by liberals like Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar every day.
While Huntsman calls herself a conservative, she has always been quick to back down to her liberal cohosts unlike McCain. Huntsman prioritizes everyone getting along over sticking to her own political guns. This leaves McCain looking more alone than ever on the panel. So it’s understandable that tensions worsened between them.
Hopefully, “The View” will replace Abby Huntsman with a stronger conservative voice. One who isn’t afraid to stand by Meghan McCain’s side.
If ABC won’t do that for Meghan McCain, it might be time for her to make her exit from the daytime talk show as well.
Then she might finally find somewhere that her conservative viewpoint will be more appreciated and respected.