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toddler left car cop rescue
August 20, 2018
A Florida Sheriff’s Deputy is being hailed as a hero for his quick actions after finding an unresponsive three-year-old girl in a hot car.
hot car kids mom interview
March 14, 2018
Shanesha Taylor drew national attention when she left her two young children in a hot car when she went to a job interview in Phoenix. By the time police arrived at her car, temperatures exceeded 100 degrees inside. Her 6-month-old baby was sweating profusely and crying.
water bottle car
August 8, 2017
Having a water bottle in your car isn’t something that seems dangerous, but Idaho Power is warning people after a water bottle almost caught a technician’s
cop lectures mom
July 17, 2017
A Vancouver mom who left her 3 and 6 year old children in a hot car while she went grocery shopping was greeted by an angry police officer when she finally
toddler hot car
July 12, 2017
A Florida woman complained that the backseat of a cop car was too hot after she was arrested for leaving her 5-year-old son in a 107-degree car.