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Dean Martin couldn't keep it together when Foster Brooks brought the house down while roasting Dan Rowan and Dick Martin.

The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts always meant lots of laughter. Foster Brooks never disappointed, especially when he roasted Jackie Gleason.

When Foster Brooks roasted Ted Knight, he stumbled his way to the podium before falling down in drunken and disorderly…

Foster Brooks perfectly portrayed a drunk who tried to act like he was sober. He wasn't afraid of taking his…

Well known funny man and "drunkard" comedian, Foster Brooks put people like Dean Martin in stitches as he acted the…

Watch Foster Brooks EPICALLY roast The Man Of The Week, President George Washington at this classic 1974 Dean Martin Roast!

Watch Foster Brooks roast Hubert Humphrey in epic fashion. This video will have you missing the politically incorrect humor of…

At the Dean Martin Roast of Don Rickles, Foster Brooks let Mr. Warmth know that he was having an affair…

In 1975 when Lucille Ball was the Woman of the Hour at Dean Martin's Roast, Foster Brooks roasted her in…

In 1975, Sammy Davis, Jr. was the Man of the Hour at one of Dean Martin's Roasts. Foster Brooks brought…

Foster Brooks stumbled into a bar and attempted to give Dean Martin a dental exam. Dean couldn't help but laugh…

Nobody was immune to laughing when Foster Brooks took the microphone, especially when he was roasting them - not even…

The Politically Correct Feminist Police Wouldn't Be Happy Watching Foster Brooks Roast Angie Dickinson At Dean Martin's 1977 Roast

Foster Brooks was one of the favorite performers at Dean Martin's Roasts. He made everyone laugh as he played the…

Foster Brooks played the role of a gentleman who had one drink too many and tried unsuccessfully not to let…

Dean Martin liked to laugh but it was rare for someone to leave him speechless from laughter. Foster Brooks was…