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Demario Davis NFL player fined
February 8, 2021
New Orleans Saint Demario Davis, who was fined by the NFL in 2019, spread the Gospel in his acceptance speech for the NFL’s Bart Starr Award.
NFL helmet decal police brutality uniform policy
July 22, 2020
The NFL will reportedly make an exception to their uniform policy allowing players to wear helmet decals that honor victims of police brutality.
demario davis
May 13, 2020
Demario Davis of the New Orleans Saints looks to the Bible for strength and offers hope to Americans as we face daily struggles caused by the pandemic.
NFL's Demario Davis is send MAN OF GOD headband to pope
October 21, 2019
NFL’s Demario Davis sparked a Christian movement raising $120,000 for a hospital from his MAN OF GOD headband. Here’s why he’s sending one to the Pope.
Christian Students stand for Christ during Fields of Faith with NFL Man of God Demario Davis
October 11, 2019
Hundreds of thousands of Christian students joined Fields of Faith to “Stand For Christ” after the NFL fined Demario Davis for MAN OF GOD headband.
Saints linebacker Demario Davis wins appeal against NFL's $7000 fine for MAN OF GOD headband
October 10, 2019
Demario Davis won his appeal on a $7000 fine by the NFL for wearing his MAN OF GOD headband during a recent game against the Seattle Seahawks.
Demario Davis
October 4, 2019
Demario Davis has responded to the NFL fining him $7000 for wearing a Christian headband during a Week 3 game against the Seattle Seahawks.
Demario Davis
October 2, 2019
The NFL doesn’t attempt to disguise its bias against openly Christian athletes. The latest NFL target, Demario Davis of the Saints, was slapped with a fine.