There is a rumor going around about the identity of Uncle Howdy in WWE. Also, great news as Jim Ross revealed he is cancer free.

Rumor On Identity Of Uncle Howdy

Since Bray Wyatt returned to WWE at the conclusion of Extreme Rules, we are seeing a different side of him. The past few weeks have seen a new character, called Uncle Howdy, appear during Wyatt’s promos.

Right now, few know where WWE is heading with Uncle Howdy and Wyatt. Since returning, WWE has been keeping Wyatt’s storyline very secretive.

On the latest episode of SmackDown, Uncle Howdy once again appeared during a promo. Already, people are speculating who is under the mask.

Many believe it is Wyatt’s brother, Bo Dallas. He was released from WWE as part of cutting costs because of COVID, but was rumored to return with Bray.

The biggest clue is an earring spotted on Uncle Howdy. As fans have pointed-out, it looks like the same one Bo was wearing right before WWE let him go.

Whoever is Uncle Howdy, they have the fans attention as viewership continues to rise.

Jim Ross Is Cancer Free

Rumor Identity Uncle Howdy

Jim Ross is known by most wrestling fans, especially considering his career has spanned decades. Along that time, he has worked for almost every major company such as WCW, WWE and now AEW.

While he should be proud for what he has brought to the business, he has faced serious medical problems. He has suffered from Bell’s Palsy since the 1990s and underwent a painful eye operation as well.

In October of last year, Ross reveled he was diagnosed with skin cancer. Thankfully, Ross noted on Grilling JR he is cancer free as he continues to treatment.

“I had a good week regarding my cancer issues,” said Ross. “I’m going to start next week with some treatment.” 

“I can’t remember what the thing is called. I want to say hyperbaric chamber or something. Something along those lines.” 

“I’m going on Tuesday for my first test run and see how that’s gonna work. They think it will speed up the healing, and if it does, then I win.”

Despite the cancer being gone, Ross is still not out of the woods.

“I’m looking for a few wins in this project, so at least we’re making some progress there. I still think it’s going to be about a year of healing this wound.” 

“I’m just tired of dressing it, undressing it, medicating and all this s—. In any event, life is good. I’m alive.” 

“I have no cancer, and I’m just healing these burns, and that’s what they are. It looks like I got caught on fire or something.” 

“So it’s looking a lot better than it did. So anyway. I’m blessed. I’m better than I was.”

From everyone at Wrestle Newz, we wish nothing but the best for Ross and hope the cancer never returns.

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