WWE Legend and father of Natalya, Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart, has passed away at the age of 63. Cauliflower Alley Club President Brian Blair first announced the sad news on Twitter:

WWE posted the following statement on The Anvil’s passing:

Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart passes away

WWE is saddened to learn that Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart passed away.

Best known as the powerhouse of the legendary Hart Foundation tag team with his brother-in-law, Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Jim Neidhart was also the father of current WWE Superstar Natalya.

Neidhart began his ring career after playing professional football with the Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys. He was trained by WWE Hall of Famer Stu Hart in the infamous Hart Dungeon in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and earned his ring nickname, The Anvil, after winning an anvil throwing contest.

Neidhart married Stu’s daughter, Ellie, to become a member of the legendary Hart Family before making the move to WWE along with Bret “Hit Man” Hart, Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith when WWE purchased Stu Hart’s Calgary Stampede Wrestling.

Initially, Neidhart and Hart were managed by Jimmy Hart as The Hart Foundation and went on to win two WWE World Tag Team Championships.

After several years of teaming with Bret’s younger brother, Owen Hart, and some singles competition, The Hart Foundation was re-formed in controversial fashion in 1997. Consisting of Neidhart, Bret, Owen, Smith and Brian Pillman, the pro-Canadian faction stirred United States crowds into a frenzy with their anti-American sermons.

Neidhart last competed in WWE in 1997 but his legacy lives on today through his daughter, Natalya, who displays her father’s signature charisma and toughness every time she steps in the ring.

WWE extends its condolences to Neidhart’s family, friends and fans.

The Hart Foundation has perhaps suffered more tragedy than any other family in the history of the wrestling business. Of the former legendary wrestling faction, only Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart himself still survives, as the others – Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman – were all taken too soon. At 63 years old, even without any untoward cause of death, The Anvil could definitely be considered taken too soon as well. WrestleNewz sends its condolences to the Hart and Neidhart families at this time.

The world of wrestling took to social media to offer their sentiments and sympathies and you can see some of those below:








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