Flip Gordon, an independent wrestler with Ring of Honor and an active-duty member of the National Guard, recently posted several tweets that led some people to believe he’s a flat-Earther.
The brouhaha all started when Gordon tweeted that the recent SpaceX launch of a Tesla sports car into space was “fake.”
Fake! https://t.co/PoXx5lggSS
— Flip Gordon (@TheFlipGordon) February 7, 2018
Of course, just because Gordon thinks the Tesla launch was fake doesn’t necessarily mean he thinks the Earth is flat. But wrestler Dan Barry asked him just that – and chaos ensued.
Please tell me you don’t think the earth is flat.
— Dan Barry (@thedanbarry) February 7, 2018
Idk the government lies too us so much I don’t know what to believe.
— Flip Gordon (@TheFlipGordon) February 7, 2018
Barry then proceeded to debate Gordon about why the Earth is, in fact, not flat.
Scientists =/= the government. For the love of all things holy, just read actual scientists information. Look up another famous Dan Barry- The Astronaut. He would be able to answer this better.
The earth is not flat. You’ve been in a plane overseas. you should know this.— Dan Barry (@thedanbarry) February 7, 2018
I myself am not a scientist, so why would I believe what a scientist says with no way of proving it except their word. They could be paid by the government to lie to the people. Just saying. Don’t believe everything until you see it with your own two eyes.
— Flip Gordon (@TheFlipGordon) February 7, 2018
1- You work for the government currently.
2- Scientists from around the world are not part of the US conspiracy.
3- I have been in a plane. I have seen with my own 2 eyes.
4- The Earth is not flat. Distrusting everything doesn’t make you intelligent. It makes you contrarian.— Dan Barry (@thedanbarry) February 7, 2018
Never said the world was flat you’re just assuming. Yes I do work for the government so I know first hand how they lie and manipulate you.
— Flip Gordon (@TheFlipGordon) February 7, 2018
Frustrated, Barry even encouraged Gordon to use the GI Bill to educate himself on the roundness of the Earth.
Thanks to the GI Bill, you could go to college and learn more about it if you’d like. In fact, you have it in your capacity to try and become an astronaut. Your physical ability, and military training would make you an ideal candidate. You can become a scientist. Learn.
— Dan Barry (@thedanbarry) February 7, 2018
I’d rather be a Pro Wrestler (less lying involved) ?
— Flip Gordon (@TheFlipGordon) February 7, 2018
Oh man. I’m not familiar with Gordon so I don’t know if this whole exchange was in character or not. Maybe he’s starting a new gimmick as a government conspiracy theorist and this was his jumping off point. If not, he should consider starting a new gimmick as a government conspiracy theorist to help take some heat off himself for actually believing the Earth is flat.
But if Gordon does indeed prescribe to the flat Earth theory, he might not be the only wrestler who does. Strangely, former WWE Women’s Champion Layla recently posted a graphic on Instagram polling her followers on whether they believe the Earth is round or flat.
Seems like a strange thing to post if you aren’t at least open to the idea that the Earth could be anything but round.
What do you think? Was Flip Gordon in character here or is he actually a flat-Earther? Do you think the Earth is flat? Share your thoughts and comments below!
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