An armed robber entered a store hoping to cause some serious damage and get away with a substantial amount of money.
The entire staff ran for their lives, and while most of the employees sought out safety, the store’s owner, Sharon Baker, had a different idea.
Despite being threatened, Baker sought out her husband who was eating Chinese food at a nearby restaurant when the robbery occurred.
In the video below, Baker’s husband returns to the store and confronts the robber, subduing him until police arrive.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Baker’s husband was afraid for his life when he took on an armed gunman, but when that adrenaline kicks in, you feel invincible.
I am happy that no one was hurt during this failed armed robbery. Despite the good outcome, you should not see this video as an opportunity to become famous by confronting an armed robber.
Call the police and don’t be a hero. All of the employees had escaped the store so there was no need to return and risk bodily harm or death by confronting an armed criminal!
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What are your thoughts on this video? Do you think Mr. Baker was irresponsible when he confronted the armed robber? Share your thoughts below!
Source: YouTube
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