After the New York Times ran a smear piece on Donald Trump about an unproven James Comey memo, Washington, D.C. elites went into full hysterical mode. This included Never Trumper John McCain, Michigan Republican Justin Amash, and Florida Republican Carlos Curbelo. Amash and Curbelo even feuded about who called to impeach Trump first!
McCain was as quick as a cat to get out in front of a camera to decry Donald Trump. He spoke to CBS News’ Bob Schieffer saying, “It’s reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale.” He continued, “Every couple of days, there’s a new aspect of this really unhappy situation… None of us, no matter what our political leanings are, no matter how we feel about Trump, feel this is not good for America.”
Not to be outdone by John McCain, Justin Amash floated the idea that President Trump should be impeached if the details of the bogus memo were true. He then said, “I think it’s pretty clear I have more confidence in Director Comey.”
But not liking the fact that Amash was being labeled the first Republican to float the idea for Trump’s impeachment, a spokesman for Carlos Curbelo told the left-wing Mother Jones, “Congressman Curbelo was actually the first Republican to mention impeachment.”
Curbelo spoke to CNN on Tuesday night where he detailed that bogus memo accusations could be obstruction of justice.
“Obviously any effort to stop the federal government from conducting an investigation, any effort to dissuade federal agents from proceeding with an investigation, is very serious and could be construed as obstruction of justice,” Curbelo said.
He added, “Obstruction of justice, in the case of Nixon, in the case of Clinton in the late 90s, has been considered an impeachable offense.”
Take a listen:
Justin Raimondo lays it out better than I can.
Can we impeach @justinamash instead, before he starts getting favorable mentions from Louise Mensch?
— Justin Raimondo (@JustinRaimondo) May 17, 2017
Let’s get rid of McCain, Amash, and Curbelo. These people obviously have been completely ineffective in Washington D.C. McCain has been in the swamp since 1982. That’s 35 years. He’s not helping. Amash has been in office for over 6 years while Curbelo has been in office for 2 years. Can you name anything these people have accomplished since they’ve been in office? I sure as heck cannot.
It’s time for them to get behind President Trump or get out of the way.
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Source: Breitbart
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