Purdue University staffer member Jamie Newman is under fire after he threatened to rape pro-life women.

After Purdue Students for Life unveiled posters detailing the truth about how the abortion industry targets black women, Jamie Newman, an accompanist and composer in the Purdue Division of Dance, decided to harass and threaten pro-life women with rape.

The posters read, “Hands Up, Don’t Abort” and “Black Children are an Endangered Race.” They also included #BlackLivesMatter.

These signs sent Newman into a rage when he threatened user Tom Sea’s wife, daughter, sister and mother with rape.


And in case anyone was confused by his original statement he made sure to clarify.

Newman had also previously attacked the Purdue Students for Life group on Facebook. He has since deleted these comments, but not before screen shots were taken.

Kristian Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, issued a statement urging Purdue to terminate Mr. Newman:

This is intolerable behavior, period. Purdue must terminate their relationship with Mr. Newman now. For the past week, our students have been called ‘racists,’ ‘human garbage,’ and ‘ignorant c*nts.’ They have courageously stood their ground and have met with black students who were offended by their educational display to explain their event and ask for help for future events. But now the safety of our students has been put into risk. Purdue cannot let a staff member publicly call for the rape of their students no matter how unpopular their speech.

Newman denied the claim that he threatened to rape anyone when he spoke with the Lafayette Journal & Courier. Newman said the claim that he threatened to rape anyone were “false and defamatory” and “a complete fabrication.”

Purdue University also issued a statement following through university spokesman Brian Zink, “As far as the university is concerned, the speech was repugnant and inconsistent with Purdue values. We don’t condone it, but at this time no personnel action is intended.” Zink also confirmed that police interviewed Newman and witnesses and “did not find sufficient evidence to take action.”

Share if you think Newman should be punished for his outlandish and disgusting statements!

H/T: Life News

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