Judge Judy has no tolerance for people who leech off the government. When an entitled welfare queen enters Judge Judy’s courtroom, you better get your popcorn because you know you are going to see a show!
Ann Marie sued her former roommate James Hill for stealing money that was intended to bail her boyfriend out of jail. What’s infuriating is that the money she was using was welfare money intended for her kids! The plaintiff must not have ever seen Judge Judy’s show because she would have known the Judge wouldn’t accept silly excuses and abuse of taxpayer dollars.
Judge Judy was flabbergasted by how much money Ann Marie gets from the government to care for her children. Even worse was that she was using it frivolously and not as it was intended! You’ll be disgusted at how much of your tax dollars the government gives this woman when she appears to be able to work! In addition to welfare and food stamps, taxpayers were paying for their rent, too! She was getting so much money from the government that she was able to save some of it for Christmas presents and bail! She even got money from the Red Cross!
“That’s what the taxpayers gave you the money for, to feed and clothe your children NOT to use to bail out your drug addict boyfriend!” Judge Judy yelled at the entitled welfare queen.
Her boyfriend was in jail for domestic violence. Hill, who is her boyfriend’s nephew, tried to get him out of jail but was not successful so he returned the money to the welfare queen.
You’ll be cheering Judge Judy in the video below as she yells at them to stop scamming the system!
Unbelievable! That woman needs to get a job! She’s only 21 with all these kids she can’t support and a bum for a boyfriend. Judge Judy wasn’t about to accept her freeloading nonsense!
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