Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz is stepping down. Ever since the coffee giant announced it would hire 10,000 refugees in the wake of President Trump’s travel  ban, the company’s stock has tanked.

This didn’t sit very well with Americans who voted for an American-First agenda. Starbucks’ stock and brand have suffered greatly as a result of this radical announcement. After Starbucks stated they are hiring 10,000 refugees, consumer confidence tanked as the company saw a six percent decline in people who were willing to spend there. That’s a sudden drop.

Schultz’s last big decision as CEO of Starbucks was a damaging one. The company that he worked to build up has taken a big hit as a result of his coddling of leftist principles. Average Americans understand the travel ban isn’t inhumane. It is seeking to set up better vetting practices to ensure these refugees are who they claim to be.

The video below has more information about Starbucks; decision to hire refugees and the resulting boycott.

Schultz announced in December that he would be stepping down, but now many are wondering if this was sped up due to his decision to hire 10,000 refugees as so many Americans are concerned with homeland security.

Perception can be reality and the reality is that this decision has hurt Starbucks’ image.

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H/T: Breitbart

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