A White County, Tennessee judge has come up with a creative solution for criminals. General Sessions Court Judge Sam Benningfield is offering to shave 30 days off sentences if men get vasectomies or women get long term birth control implants.

This is voluntary. No inmates are being forced to participate, but people are already taking advantage of it. The county will pay for the vasectomies and four-year Nexplanon contraceptive implants for females. 38 men and 32 women have signed up for this free birth control option.

The judge believes this will help the inmates after they return to society. They won’t have be concerned with an unplanned pregnancy as they attempt to straighten out their lives. Society also won’t be tasked with taking care of children whose parents might not be up for the task.

“I hope to encourage them to take personal responsibility and give them a chance, when they do get out, to not to be burdened with children. This gives them a chance to get on their feet and make something of themselves. I understand it won’t be entirely successful but if you reach two or three people, maybe that’s two or three kids not being born under the influence of drugs. I see it as a win, win,” Judge Benningfield said.

Of course liberals are upset about this. The ACLU is taking a strong stand against this because they believe it violates the rights of inmates to allow them to have this option.

“Offering a so-called ‘choice’ between jail time and coerced contraception or sterilization is unconstitutional. Such a choice violates the fundamental constitutional right to reproductive autonomy and bodily integrity by interfering with the intimate decision of whether and when to have a child, imposing an intrusive medical procedure on individuals who are not in a position to reject it,” an ACLU statement read.

More information regarding inmate sterilizations is in the video below. This program is proving popular with inmates and solves a couple issues at the same time.

If someone doesn’t want to have any more children, this could be a way to help them turn their life around. It is not mandatory, but rather a choice. Don’t liberals like to have choices?

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Source: Inquistr

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