Today is International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the women in our lives.

While some juvenile females are wasting their time on pointless protests, the Trump women are celebrating the day with the kind of class you expect from women in their position.

First, the always gracious Ivanka tweeted this out to mark the day:

If that’s not great enough, First Lady Melania Trump hosted a luncheon in the State Dining Room to honor the day and women everywhere.

When Melania entered the room, she was greeted with a standing ovation from the attendees.

Take a look at some of these pictures:

Melania Trump has proven to be a fabulous first lady! She always has the president’s back, and is always happy to participate in special events. Here’s a great video of Melania recently reading Dr. Seuss to young children for National Read Across America Day.

Share if you love Melania Trump and are happy to have a classy First Lady again!

H/T: Daily Caller

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