An airline losing your luggage is one of the most aggravating things that can happen when travelling. If you haven’t had it happen to you, you surely know someone who’s experienced the annoyance.
Get this… in a ridiculous screw up by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), 3,000 suitcases didn’t make it onto flights out of Phoenix! Travelers were livid! I would be, too.
Take a look at the TSA’s mess in this video:
The TSA had no contingency plan to deal with luggage when its automatic scanning system went down. WHAT??
Is it any wonder that Congress — who’s not much better — has called the TSA on the carpet for giving fat bonuses to employees despite travelers waiting longer to clear security and now this debacle?
Lawmakers were especially galled at the idea that TSA officials received hefty bonuses even though the agency is reviled by much of the public because of its chronic inability to move travelers efficiently through airport security. Homeland Security Inspector John Roth, who appeared with Neffenger before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said the payments to Hoggan were “clearly an attempt” to get around the $10,000 bonus limit. They were made over a 13-month period ending in November 2014.
Watch Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah express his frustration in this video:
This is outrageous. Would you get a $90,000 bonus if the business you ran performed so poorly? I don’t think so.
Share this story if you are fed up with the government mishandling everything it touches!
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