Ted McDermott has been a singer all his life. He is known as The Songaminute Man since he knows so many songs. The crooner now has Alzheimer’s.

As Ted’s disease progressed, his son Simon had trouble dealing with his dad. With the help of the Alzheimer’s Society, his family realized that encouraging him to sing helped him battle the disease. When Ted sings, it’s as if their old dad is back!

So, they did Carpool Karaoke to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. They busted through their goal of $1,000 pounds. At the time of this writing, the Just Giving account is almost at $80,000 pounds.

That’s a rather remarkable endeavor, but when you see the video below, you will understand why they were so successful. There is a lot of love here!

There are more videos of Ted singing on their Facebook page. It’s definitely worth checking out. What an amazing way to raise awareness and money for Alzheimer’s.

We previously told you about another patient with dementia who came to life when given a harmonica. Music therapy is a strong tool that gives some people with memory issues relief.

Please share this to let other’s know how music therapy can help people with dementia.

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