While President Trump and the First Lady have made Christmas the focus of the White House this season, Washington, DC continues its War on Christmas. But, the Catholic Church isn’t having it and has filed a lawsuit to fight back.

The Archdiocese of Washington is suing after the Metro rejected the Church’s ad campaign encouraging attendance at Mass. The advertisement is promoting the website FindThePerfectGift.org. “Find the perfect gift,” the ad reads, while showing shepherds with their flock of sheep looking up at the stars in the sky.


The ad is rather benign. It isn’t even overtly religious, but the DC Metro felt it was inappropriate for a holiday ad and rejected it. The website promoted in the ad also isn’t inflammatory as it explains that “Jesus is the perfect gift” and provides links to interested people to find a local parish. The site also includes information on Advent and tips on creating your own family traditions.


The Archdiocese is asking the court to toss out the Metro’s advertising guidelines and reimburse the Church its legal fees. In a statement, an official from the Archdiocese took a swing at the Metro for its embrace of the commercialization of Christmas while denying the holiday’s true meaning.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is a government agency that allows advertising of things such as hookup sites, but has rejected the Catholic Church’s advertisement over the meaning of Christmas! This is an assault on the First Amendment and completely appalling!

“[I]f Christmas comes from a store … then it seems WMATA approves. But if Christmas means a little bit more, WMATA plays Grinch,” Archdiocese of Washington Communications Secretary Ed McFadden said in a statement.

There is no logical reason to reject this ad. This appears to be a bigoted decision against Christians!

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Source: Washington Times

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