On average, 22 veterans commit suicide every day. We have to do better for our heroes. Sometimes, it isn’t a person who has the power to save a life, but rather an animal.

Stress and Depression

Veteran Josh Marino was planning on taking his own life. He suffered a brain injury and PTSD from his service in Iraq. He couldn’t handle the stress and depression associated with his military service. He grabbed a knife and went outside his barracks at Fort Riley for a final smoke. Then an unexpected hero found him.

A Kitten Named Scout

Josh heard rustling in the bushes. Then a kitten came out and began rubbing against his legs. “He just walked up and started rubbing up against my leg and let me pet him, I broke down crying, burst into tears,” he said. “Maybe he knew there was something I couldn’t quite handle.”

Josh credited the kitten he named Scout with saving his life. His focus became helping the stray cat rather than worrying about his own troubles. He would go visit the kitten daily. Then one day, Scout wasn’t there anymore.

A Mutual Rescue

Eventually, he and his girlfriend went to a pet adoption event to get a cat. Miraculously, a black cat reached his paw out of the cage towards Josh. It was Scout! The adoption paperwork was signed and they went home together.

“Josh and Scout, A Mutual Rescue” details their journey together. They are both credited with saving each other. The short movie is below and is definitely worth six minutes of your time. Sometimes a paw is more helpful than a hand to someone in need. Scout provided that for Josh and Josh returned the favor.

Unconditional love from animals really can affect us like nothing else. They seem to know when we need them. They don’t judge us. They just love us and that is incredibly powerful.

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Source: Animal Channel

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