Black Lives Matter protests have rocked Milwaukee when the radicals became violent and decided to torch the city.

Not only did the protestors want to destroy property, but they wanted to injure police officers as well. When they were throwing things at the cops, one officer went down. As you can see in the video below, he had to be carried to safety and away from the thugs trying to harm him.

It’s a shame that Obama doesn’t think if he had a son he might look a police officer. Maybe then he would care about these men and women who protect us. Maybe then he wouldn’t look to stir the pot of racial tensions.

Obama was to be the “post racial president,” but we have never had more racial tensions in my life than we do right now. Is that the hope and change he wanted?

This is Sheriff Clarke’s territory. You can sure bet that he will get this under control. He’s not rolling out the welcome mat for race baiters like Al Sharpton. In fact, he’s already bringing in the National Guard to safeguard life and property!

SHARE if you SUPPORT our police officers!

H/T: One Hundred Percent Fed Up

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