Some people think they can eat a lot of food, but the Big Mac Challenge is proving that sometimes your eyes are bigger than your stomach.

This fast food challenge requires the challenger eat four Big Macs, four large fries, and four milkshakes in under an hour, then they have to keep it down for 30 minutes. You might think you eat more on Thanksgiving, but that’s a lot of McDonald’s food!

But, is this really possible? Kieron Curtis tried it out. It didn’t go exactly as he expected.

Kieron got the first burger down very quickly. He finished the second one in five minutes. After that, he started to slow down as you can see in the video below.

He exits the contest at the 45-minute mark. The milkshakes apparently did him in, although there were quite a few fries sitting there!

Kieron says the Big Mac Challenge isn’t for the faint of heart – or stomach. When asked if he would recommend it: “Absolutely not. It’s the milkshakes that get you,” he warned. “It’s put me off food and I don’t think I’ll eat a Big Mac again.”

Share this with someone you think would take The Big Mac Challenge!

Source: Unilad


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