Bruce Springsteen
Source: CBS News YouTube

Bruce Springsteen is currently on tour with his E Street Band in Europe. We’ve decided to take a walk down memory lane and explore some facts about this iconic singer.

Scroll through this and find out how Springsteen became the man that he is today!

Born In New Jersey

Source: YouTube

Falls In Love With Rock ’N’ Roll 

Source: The Ed Sullivan Show YouTube

Drafted Into Military During Vietnam War

Source: Grunge YouTube

Forms E Street Band

Source: Bruce Springsteen YouTube

Voice Of The Working Class

Source :JPMcFly1985 Retro Videos YouTube


Source: Nicki Swift YouTube


Source: iBYAPi YouTube

Net Worth

Source: CBS Sunday Morning YouTube

Broadway Debut

Source: Netflix YouTube

Springsteen’s Future

Source: OhioRails YouTube
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