The Hollywood legend Dick Van Dyke, who turned 99 last month, has surprisingly not evacuated his home in Malibu, California despite the wildfires that are raging nearby.
Van Dyke Hasn’t Evacuated
This was revealed by his wife Arlene Silver, 53, who he has been married to since 2012. She took to Instagram Live over the weekend to reveal that the home that she shares with Van Dyke is still standing. Silver added that their guest house on their property did catch fire, but the damage to it was minimal.
“Keeping Dick warm and entertained has been the two things that have been my top priority, so, you know, we don’t have power […] or regular electricity, so we don’t have Wi-Fi,” Silver said. She added that they have been relying on her camper to cook and charge their devices.
“…I got Wicked the other day, but I can’t throw it up on the TV and he wouldn’t be able to see it or hear it on a little iPad, so we still haven’t watched Wicked,” she continued.
Instead, Silver was able to hook up a DVD player so that Van Dyke could watch the Christmas movie Elf.
“He’d never seen Elf and I’d always told him it was so cute, and Will Ferrell was so perfect in that movie,” she explained. “And he really liked it.”
Related: Dick Van Dyke Forced To Flee Malibu Fire Days Before His 99th Birthday
Silver And Van Dyke Don’t Want To Evacuate
Silver went on to say that despite the wildfires, she and Van Dyke have no desire to relocate.
“Dick is more comfortable here than anywhere else,” she said. “It’s easier to take care of him here.”
Silver described Van Dyke as being a “trooper,” adding, “I don’t know of any other person of, you know, senior citizen age that would put up with this.”
At one point during her Instagram Live, Van Dyke came out to look for her.
“If I’m away from him too long, he looks for me no matter what,” she stated. “I haven’t left Dick alone for probably seven years, and I’m happy about it. So … I’m his security blanket.”
“We’re such a team, my God,” Silver concluded of herself and Van Dyke. “I can’t believe what we’ve been through. Two, three fires, COVID, just like, life stuff.”
Related: Dick Van Dyke Turns 99 Days After ‘Crawling’ To Safety To Escape Massive Wildfire
Van Dyke Previously Evacuated Last Month
Dealing with wildfires is something that Van Dyke is sadly very used to. Last month, days before his 99th birthday, Van Dyke was evacuated from his home due to another wildfire.
“It was coming from the hill, you could see it,” Van Dyke told Today at the time.
“And oh my God, and we got out of here,” he continued. “I was trying to crawl to the car, I had exhausted myself, I couldn’t get up.”
Thankfully, Van Dyke’s neighbors were able to come to his rescue.
“Three neighbors came and carried me out and came back and put out a little fire in the guest house and saved me,” he revealed.
Find out more about this in the video below.
Van Dyke is a true living legend, and there will never be another one like him. Please join us in saying a prayer for him and for everyone else impacted by these wildfires!
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