UFC 229 y’all. Conor McGregor versus Khabib Nurmagomedov. Just a few days away, so already the McGregor circus is in full swing.

Yesterday it was the pre-fight press conference, and as usual McGregor arrived late. So late, in fact, that Khabib didn’t want to wait. In lieu of sitting on stage acting irritated and bored, he just started answering questions. And he didn’t bother waiting around – he left before McGregor even showed up.

When McGregor finally appeared, it was pretty much everything we’ve come to know and love about the man. So many gems and interesting things emanated from his mouth…

Perhaps one of the shiniest of the gems was his accusations toward Khabib’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz. Heck, even the Washington Post latched onto that one!

Once Conor McGregor eventually arrived at Thursday’s news conference to promote his showdown with Khabib Nurmagomedov at UFC 229, he engaged in plenty of his familiar bravado and trash-talking. However, this time McGregor’s verbal jabs weren’t just aimed at his opponent in Saturday’s megafight, but also the Russian lightweight champion’s manager.

Nurmagomedov’s manager, Ali Abdelaziz, is a “[expletive] snitch terrorist rat,” said McGregor.

The Irishman went on to claim that Abdelaziz had been “pulled off a flight” from Cairo to New York on Sept. 11, 2001, and was “caught with five passports in his possession.” Abdelaziz “turned informant and turned on the people he was working with,” McGregor said, adding, “I don’t even know why that man is in this [expletive] country.”

McGregor had previously targeted Abdelaziz during a UFC 229 promotional event last month in New York, yelling, “You terrorist snitch!” at the Egypt native. McGregor added at the time, “I know a lot about you as well, you mad rat.”

Few people in the world have McGregor’s gift of gab.

Here’s some of yesterday’s greatest hits:

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