The happiness that surrounded the all-women’s pay-per-view died down shortly after its announcement. Backstage rumors are that the female roster knows Evolution will not be a big show. Here is the story.

The Evolution of Lies

According to Wrestling Observer Radiomany female performers are seeing Evolution as an elaborate lie. While the company did announce the first women’s pay-per-view, none of the brass backstage is showing interest in making this event a memorable one.

The disinterest in Evolution became clear when the company announced a dreaded “Battle Royal” on its social media. Then, one only has to look at the serious lack of promotion and storylines, which almost seems to put the pay-per-view on the back burner.

When I look back at the announcement made about Evolution, I cannot deny that things now have an extremely sour taste. All I can think about during this speech is how fake it all was.

The True Reason for Evolution


We do not have to look far for the real reason why this pay-per-view was created. The WWE tried to tone down the anger about female wrestlers not being able to wrestle in Crown Jewel in Saudi However, they did not count on the Jamal Khashoggi scandal, which has left many fans unsubscribing from the network.

Considering the “fake” nature of Evolution, it is no surprise that serious promotion has been lacking, nor have there been any interesting storylines for us to look forward to get excited about. The only ones who have been allowed to promote to some degree were Lita, Trish, Charlotte, and Becky. It did not exactly make a point.

Are There Some Positives to Take Away?


I can understand the disappointment of the women on the roster, but this is still an opportunity. They should not put on a good show for the WWE, but do it for themselves. Show those selfish and money-grabbing management officials what female wrestlers are capable of. Show them you do not need their elaborate storylines or their promotion to put on amazing wrestling matches. Show them how wrong they are for putting their hopes on an event in Saudi Arabia that is already a disaster. You’ve got this girls! I believe in you all.

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