Incredibles 2 conservative themes

Pixar’s Incredibles 2 had a blockbuster weekend. The animated movie that celebrates America’s favorite superhero family appropriately opened on Father’s Day weekend with smashing success. It even set a box office record for the opening weekend of any animated film.

The Incredibles 2 is a film about a family of superheroes who work together to get through some tough times. Like in the previous film, superheroes are banned, so the Incredibles are forced to blend in and live a normal life. This is no easy feat for Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl who were born to save the day. It also proves challenging for their three children Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack.

With some hope that the laws can be changed and Superheroes can return, a wealthy man hatches a plan to make Elastigirl the face of the superheroes. It is believed that her abilities and demeanor will help change public perception and the law.

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This puts Mr. Incredible in a completely new role as a stay-at-home-dad. Elastigirl has become the breadwinner and Mr. Incredible stays home and raises the kids. Mr. Incredible stumbles as he deals with domestic issues, like helping Dash with his homework. Even his superpowers are no match for Common Core. It’s hilarious to watch him frustrated and unable to understand why they changed math to the point that he can’t even help his son with his homework!

This movie undoubtedly has conservative themes that many people are craving in entertainment. This family works best together rather than in separate parts. There is much to be learned from their cohesiveness.

In addition, a large portion of the movie deals with how the perception of the problem is often worse than the problem itself. This is a hallmark of the mainstream media which manipulates situations to propel their leftwing agenda.

The fact that this movie did so well during its opening weekend is a stark reminder that Hollywood needs more family-focused movies.

A trailer for The Incredibles 2 can be seen below.

Source: PJ Media

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