There are many people who would love to see Brock Lesnar drop the title, me included! However, the person who is going to take that title from ‘The Beast’ is still a point of contention.

Many people have been named as Brock Lesnar’s opponent, but now Kurt Angle has teased a future match with the current WWE Universal Champion.

Beating The Beast Again

kurt angle brock lesnar

Kurt Angle stated his desire to beat The Beast again on his social media account. A fan shared a gif of Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle, which was taken from their previous rivalry. This is what Kurt Angle posted after finding the gif.

Seems like Kurt Angle has some aspirations that reach far beyond his current job description as general manager. While I cannot wait to see Kurt Angle fight a big match again, I hate the fact it could be Brock Lesnar.

Dream Match?

kurt angle brock lesnar

A lot of people say that a match between Angle and Lesnar would be a dream match. However, I would have to disagree. While the matches between Angle and Lesnar used to be good, Lesnar is no longer the wrestler he once was.

While I have no doubt Angle would put in a lot of effort for this match, I have no trust in Lesnar doing the same. I would hate to see a match like this become a stain on Angle’s career.

Would you love to see a match between Lesnar and Angle? Let us know in the comment section below!

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