While circumstances  surrounding the release of Enzo Amore left many in shock, new reports seem to indicate that Amore had been wanting to leave his WWE contract for some time. Here’s the story!

Wanting to Be a Rapper

enzo amore fired wwe

Before Amore was accused of rape, a story already covered by the Ringside Intel team, he apparently tried to get out of his contract to pursue a career as a rapper. Yes, you’ve read it right!

According to Dave Meltzer, the main wrestling journalist behind Wrestling Observer Radio, Enzo has been trying to drop his WWE deal for some time. Since being released after the rape allegations, Enzo is claimed to be chasing after a full-time rapping career. There is also some talk that he might appear on the independent wrestling circuit, although if he is found guilty in the court of law, that might not happen at all.

Fans Still Believe in Enzo

enzo amore wwe cruiserweight champion

Despite the serious allegations against Enzo, many of his fans seem to support the wrestler. Most fans have a hard time believing that Enzo did in fact commit this crime and believe the woman making the allegations is a gold digger.

Enzo has denied the allegations that he raped the woman in question. Of course, his innocence or guilt will play out over the next couple of months, since a serious investigation is going on at this point in time. I believe that each allegation should be taken seriously, no matter any preconceptions you may have about someone.

What Happens Next?

I would assume Enzo will be busy attempting to clear his name over the next couple of months. Whether he is found innocent or guilty, I believe the allegations will be a permanent shadow on him. I also believe his career within the WWE is over permanently, even if he is found to be innocent by the court of law. Remember, Enzo had loads of problems backstage, since he could not seem to get along with anyone.

To ensure our readers stay posted on this situation, we will follow the Enzo case closely over the next couple of months. When some news comes to light, we will inform as soon as possible.

What do you think about Enzo wanting to be a rapper? And what do you think about the claims he has been wanting to get out of the WWE for some time? Let us know in the comment section below.

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