Smackdown Live is, in my opinion, the best weekly program in WWE’s arsenal. Raw is formulaic and focuses too much on big stars and big angles, while NXT is wildly inconsistent. Meanwhile, Smackdown solidified itself as the “Land of Opportunity.” Guys who would just be ignored or misused on Raw are given solid opportunities to perform and showcase their talents in and out the ring. Can you imagine Shinsuke Nakamura and Kevin Owens wrestling in the main event on Raw? Would Rusev and Aiden English have as much time to flex their comedic muscles? And we FOR SURE wouldn’t get weekly comedy from the Fashion Police. Over the last few months, the team also known as “Breezango” has continually put the WWE Universe into fits of laughter with their crime-show parody. Recently the team has moved into cult-classic movies and TV like the Blair Witch Project, Pulp Fiction, and on the Halloween edition of SD Live, the hit Netflix show Stranger Things.

I loved this and I am now starting to watch Season 1 of Stranger Things (NO SPOILERS). Not only has this given Breezango an opportunity, it has helped pluck the Ascension out of obscurity. But think about this and the multi-episode “Fashion Peaks” storyline.

Is there any way that would work for a Raw audience? No way. Smackdown is the show for the loyal yet “alternative” fan. Smackdown has proven itself to be a ground for genuine creative sports entertainment. That’s part of what has turned into appointment viewing for me.

That isn’t to say Smackdown is without its flaws. The Women’s Division has lacked a lot of depth and good wrestling. The Tag Team division fluctuates on any given week. Also, Jinder Mahal being a champion hasn’t been a success, at least for American fans.

Despite those flaws, Smackdown is week-in and week-out a better product than Raw. It isn’t even really close, to be honest.

What do you think about the Fashion Police and Smackdown Live?

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