Just crowd surfing and then…

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This is some of the fun you see at a PWG show! Wrestling isn’t always serious. You have to laugh a little bit. Otherwise the idea that people settle differences by fake fighting in their underwear would just be absurd. Here’s another example of a “serious” wrestling accident that is seriously funny.

 Why you shouldn’t throw streamers

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This is a Japanese tradition that Americans haven’t quite mastered. The above wrestler is Adam Cole. Let’s move from one up-and-comer to an Icon. Even some of the best wrestlers of all time make dumb and dangerous mistakes.

Sting vs. a Chair

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Even The Icon Sting could make a silly mistake or two. It couldn’t have happened to a worse part of his body. More than any other, injuries to the neck and head have ended dozens of careers. Maybe our next superstar would be wise to take heed.

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