If you are someone that lives in the woods, it would probably be wise to protect yourself at all times by having a firearm inĀ  your possession.

The older man in the video below saw a bear on his front porch messing with the trash and through quick thinking, took action. Let me say, for most of us, we probably would have grabbed something a lot more dangerous that could impose some type of deadly threat to the huge beast.

The man below grabbed the first thing he could and figured with a huge yell and waving of the broom, the bear would understand this was the wrong person to deal with.

Watch what happens below:

Well, look who was victorious! I guess the broom is mightier than the sword in this video right? I still say give me old faithful and some buckshot and I would take care of Yogi.

Do me a favor and tell me if you would have done the same thing this man did with the broom or would you have brought out even heavier artillery. Leave your opinions in the comment section and add this article to your Facebook/= qabd Twitter timeline.


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