hotel sheets

When you stay in a hotel, there is an expectation of cleanliness. You don’t know who slept there before you did and you don’t want to be exposed to their germs.

Inside Edition did some undercover work to see if sheets were actually changed between hotel guests. They stayed in several hotel rooms, checking out the next day and then checking into the same room under a different name. They sprayed a message on the sheets that only appeared under blacklight to see if the sheets were swapped.

The results are disgusting. Several hotels didn’t change the sheets at all. There are so many gross implications associated with this. After watching the video below, you might just ask for a fresh set of sheets when you stay at a hotel and put them on yourself!

That is so nasty! Think of the bodily fluids that might be on the hotel sheets you sleep on. How hard is it to change the sheets? Hotel rooms are expensive and there are sanitary expectations for cleanliness.

Share this to let others know to check the sheets when they stay in a hotel!

Source: Globe Today

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