The road to wrestling success is never easy; this much is proven when you look at some of the jobs current WWE superstars used to have before making it to the big time. Curious what kind of jobs some major superstars were doing? Read on to find out!


former jobs WWE wrestlers

Sheamus probably had the most interesting job before he became a WWE Superstar, because he was actually a bodyguard for U2 frontman Bono. He also worked as an IT technician. I just hope he didn’t brogue kick too many computers.

AJ Styles

former jobs WWE wrestlers

AJ Styles is a prime example of a wrestler who did menial jobs to pay for his wrestling passion. Before he became a major star on the indie circuit and in the WWE, Styles used to mow lawns. He would also drive an ambulance part-time to pay for wrestling school.

Trish Stratus

former jobs WWE wrestlers

Before becoming one of the best Divas to ever step foot in the ring, Trish Stratus worked as a gym receptionist. She also made sure she had a backup plan, since she studied biology and kinesiology at the University of York.

Kofi Kingston

former jobs WWE wrestlers

After working a job in the advertising department for Staples, Kofi Kingston decided that it was a new day. He said goodbye to cubicle labor and hello to the wrestling world.

John Cena

former jobs WWE wrestlers

Yes, even “Super Cena” had a regular job before he became a WWE Superstar. Before he became John Cena the famous wrestler, he worked as a limo driver. Ironically, Cena would later saadmitthat he has a terrible sense of direction, and that his customers were always late for their flights. Good thing he changed careers!

Roman Reigns

former jobs WWE wrestlers

Like John Cena, it is hard to imagine Roman Reigns doing anything but wrestling. Still, Roman Reigns did have a career before WWE. He played football, but did not make the NFL. He eventually ended up playing for the Edmonton Eskimos in the Canadian Football League. After being released after his first season, he did some physical labor jobs, which included being a mover.

Brock Lesnar

former jobs WWE wrestlers

Brock Lesnar was not always a paper champion in the WWE. Before becoming a mixed martial arts fighter and wrestler, Lesnar was in the National Guard. However, he failed one of the National Guard tests due to being color blind. He was then assigned to clerical duties. He would also work in construction later on.

Big Show

former jobs WWE wrestlers

One of the most original jobs before wrestling belongs to Big Show, because he used to be a bail bondsman. To get some cash, he would track down people with an outstanding warrant and then take them to jail for a reward. One thing is certain, criminals are undoubtedly happy that Big Show changed his career.

What do you think about the previous jobs of wrestlers? Which is the most original? Also, do you know of another WWE wrestler who had an original job before joining the WWE? Let us know in the comment section below and we look forward to reading it!

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