President Donald Trump and the U.S. military just dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in history on ISIS.

The bomb was dropped in eastern Afghanistan in Nangarhar province. This attack comes days after a Green Beret was killed combating ISIS there.

The bomb is a GBU-43B. It’s a 21,000 pound conventional bomb. It’s also known as the MAOB (Massive Ordinance Air Blast) or the “Mother Of All Bombs.”

Press Secretary Sean Spicer addressed the press noting the bomb was used to target a cave system that ISIS was using to target U.S. military advisers.

Learn more about the bomb here:


The bomb was originally tested in 2003, but had never been deployed in the field until now.

This bomb is absolutely massive. The 59 Tomahawk missiles fired at Syria last week were only 1,000 pounds each. This bomb by itself is 21,000 pounds!

Source: Fox News

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