Lil Wayne

Rapper Lil Wayne sure caused a lot of buzz when he was asked about Black Lives Matter in a “Nightline” interview. The rap superstar openly admitted why he doesn’t believe in the movement. 

Lil Wayne On Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is dominating headlines. Of course, the growing movement gets a lot of positive support from Hollywood.

And so it came as a jolt when the “How To Love” artist shared his perspective on the movement.

From Breitbart:

“I don’t feel connected to a damn thing that ain’t got nothin’ to do with me,” the Louisiana rapper said during the interview.

“If you do, you crazy as shit. You. Not the camera,” Lil Wayne said, pointing to ABC News reporter Linsey Davis. “Feeling connected to something that ain’t got nothing to do with you? If it ain’t got nothing to do with me, I ain’t connected to it.”

“I’m a young, black rich motherf*cker,” the rapper continued. “If that don’t let you know that America understands Black [Lives] Matter these days, I don’t know what it is. Don’t come at me with that dumb sh*t.”

This is quite a statement from the gangster rapper, and he’s being targeted for it. He abruptly ended the interview below when challenged on the topic, saying he is not a politician.

You can watch Lil Wayne’s full “Nightline” interview below.

Colin Kaepernick’s Anthem Protest

Adding fuel to the rapper’s firestorm, Lil Wayne doesn’t support Colin Kaepernick’s decision to protest the National Anthem either.

In the interview below with Skip And Shannon, Lil Wayne said he has NEVER had to deal with racism, much to the chagrin of the hosts who were clearly taken aback that he wasn’t supporting Kaepernick.

Taking it a step further, the rapper goes so far as to say, “I thought [racism] was over. I still believe it’s over, but obviously it isn’t.”

He also highlights that most of his fans are white, showing that racism isn’t something he encounters.

Lil Wayne even told the story of how a white police officer saved his life!

You can watch the full 2016 interview with Fox Sports One’s “Undisputed” below.

As you can imagine, mainstream media certainly wasn’t happy that Lil Wayne isn’t carrying their banner of division.

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