Dr. Phil has a reputation for telling it like it is. And on “The Kelly File” he discussed the entitlement culture that is rather prevalent. He said, “We’ve Created a Generation of Entitled, Narcissistic People.”

They discussed 43 year old Kris who still lives with his mom while pretending to be a rock star. Kris has drained his parents of $1.7 million while posing to be a star.

His parents are now faced with selling their home and continuing to work long past retirement age. But, Kris doesn’t care. His parents enabled and coddled him and created a middle aged child.

Dr. Phil has some strong words for Kris, “Get a damn job!”

Dr. Phil also had some heavy handed words for Elizabeth and Bob who have given their daughter Allie everything she wants. Now the high school drop out is 20 years old and a perpetual child because she never had any consequences.

After watching the video of their interviews, the parents acknowledge they created this nightmare. They never taught Allie to be respectful or independent. They created a culture of disrepect and entitlement. But instead of redirecting a three year old, they now have to redirect a twenty year old.

Children need parents, not friends. There is a reason discipline exists, to correct bad behavior. When you treat your kids like friends, you are creating  little monsters that eventually become big monsters.

What advice would you give these parents?

H/T: The Blaze

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